
War sounds

Frobisher se refiere a la 1ª Guerra Mundial, pero es válido también para la 2ª]

Of course. "That's all" is never all. Adrian's letters were hauntingly aural. One can shut one's eyes but not one's ears. Crackle of lice in seams; scutter of rats; snap of bones against bullet; stutter of machine guns; thunder of distant explosions; lightning of nearer ones; ping of stones off tin helmets; flies buzzing over no-man's-land in summer. Later conversations add the scream of horses; cracking of frozen mud; buzz of aircraft; tanks, churning in mud holes; amputees, surfacing from the ether; belch of flamethrowers; squelch of bayonets in necks. European music is passionately savage, broken by long silences.

[David MITCHELL 2004 Cloud Atlas. New York: Random House. Pg. 442]

[Tumba de JC Kinsley-Smith, caído el 18 de septiembre de 1944.
Casi 60 años después descubrí este cementerio a la vuelta de mi casa]

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