
Fear and trembling

[Tiene gracia, de todos los edificios de Nytorv ("la plaza nueva")
justo saqué el que está sobre el lugar en el que estuvo la casa en
la que nació y vivió Kierkegaard. Ni a propósito]

I should have known that the two missions wouldn't mix. I should have reckoned with the effect of walking the pavements that Kierkegaard walked a century and a half ago, seeing the actual streets, squares and buildings that were just names in print before, Nytorv, Nørregade, the Borgerdydskole, and examinig the poignant homely mementos of S.K. in the Bymuseum: his pipes, his purse, his magnifying glass and the case Regine made for it; the cruel caricuture in The Corsair; and the portrait of Regine, bonny, buxom, and with a smile just about to part her full lips, obviously painted in her happy days before Kierkegaard broke off their engagement.

[David LODGE 1996 Therapy. London: Penguin. P. 209]

[La caricatura de El Corsario, por Peter Klaestrup]

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