
Lyme Regis, 146 years ago and right now

Libros de segunda mano que no leemos hasta que llega el momento preciso

There pressed on Charles more than the common human instinct to preserve personal identity; there lay behind him all those years of thought, speculation, self-knowledge. His whole past, the best of his past self, seemed the price he was asked to pay; he could not believe that all he had wanted to be was worthless, however much he might have failed to match reality to the dream. He had pursued the meaning of life, more than that, he believed - poor clown - that at times he had glimpsed it. Was it his fault that he lacked the talent to communicate those glimpses to other men? That to an outside observer he seemed a dilettante, a hopeless amateur?

[John FOWLES 1992 The French Lieutenant's Woman. London: Picador. Page 257]

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

No se si lo he entendido pero por si acaso voy a ir salteando unas amanitas faloides. Alguien quiere un trocito?

Macavity dijo...

Es el drama de un señor que ha vivido cómodamente de científico dandy y aristocrata, en ilusión de que hacía algo noble, y de pronto se ve forzado a hacerse mercero si quiere mantener sus lentejas. A mi me pareciò un drama existencial muy cercano!

Anónimo dijo...

Y tan cercano! En mis carnes se lo importante que es!Llevo muchos años siendo hijo no reconocido de mis padres laborales. Aunque quizas en breve el bastardo de Bolton sea reconocido. Ya te contare...

macavity dijo...

Bastardo de Stark, no de Bolton! Así Tyrion Lannister podría decir eso de “Would you rather be called the Imp? Let them see that their words can cut you and you’ll never be free of the mockery. If they want to give you a name take it make it your own. Then they can’t hurt you with it anymore.”